Lao Tse achieved the complete Immortality and for centuries helped people to cognize the Truth. His body didn’t change any longer and was not subject to diseases and death.
He did not try to leave His name in the history for centuries but wanted to give people the Wisdom, the Bearer of which He became. This was the Greatest Knowledge of Tao and Te.
Not many people knew about Him… But what is known as Taoism rooted and became stronger in the Under-Heavenly World thanks to Lao Tse.
… Sometimes He heard how people talked about Him and smiled…
… Once He approached a group of people who were carrying on a lively conversation:
“Those who saw this Sage on a white donkey say that He was riding, sitting on it backwards and even didn’t look where He was going!” — one of those people said.
“They also say that His donkey could pass during one day any distance, even a thousand miles and that when the Sage stopped for the night — He folded the donkey like paper, and when He had to go again — He unfolded it — and it came to life!”
“No, He rode on an ox!” — the other said.
“Not on an ox! But on a buffalo!” — the third objected.
“Of course, on an ox! And He carried a cart with manuscripts with Him!”
“No! Not a cart! Ten carts! He was a Sage, after all!”
“Yes, He was the Perfect One! He read people’s thoughts, knew past and future, and cured any diseases with a single remedy, which He carried in a bottle gourd! He could even rise from the dead!” — the first speaker, who was proud of his deep knowledge of the lives of the Immortals, blurted out without a pause.
“Some call Him Chang Kuo-Lao, while others — Lao Tse or Lao Tzu!”
“No! Lao Tse wrote only one book! On the contrary, this Lao, when He became Immortal, flew up and disappeared, and His clothes fell to the ground, and His disciples buried these clothes!”
“Why is He painted with tree branches on His head?”
“He isn’t painted so!”
Lao Tse came closer to these arguing people and greeted them.
They were very happy and said:
“You are, as seen, a well-educated man! Judge us! Tell us which one of us is right!”
“Does it matter if the Sage rode on a donkey or just walked? What is really important is what He taught. Have you read the book about Tao and Te?”
“No, we can’t read…”
… And then Lao Tse told these people some of the things that He knew to help them to put those truths into practice of their daily lives. But He did not say His name.
… Thus He lived, appearing and disappearing in different parts of China and helping little by little a large number of people. He also could help very few of those who were ready for the higher achievements, giving them the knowledge about the Path of the cognition of Tao.
… Once Lao Tse heard how young men from the Taoist monastery were discussing His book about Tao and Te. They were arguing for a long time about words.
Lao Tse modestly sat down near and listened.
One girl came closer to the debaters and began listening too. But the young men stopped talking and told her that the lot of women is only to wash dishes and nurse children.
Then Lao Tse began to speak. He reminded them that the Path of Knowledge exists for both: men and women. And He opened them the first simple steps of this Path.
They all were listening breathlessly to what He was saying since the Truth was beyond all His words, and it was impossible not to feel this.
And then some of them had the courage to become the disciples of the Immortal Lao Tse.
… This happened again and again, and Lao Tse led a lot of worthy seekers to the Abode of Tao.
… Maybe it’s your turn now?
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